- Lack of business and financial efficiency growth despite significant investments made in machinery park and technology
- Unacceptable number of errors in production quality, timeliness, and supporting processes

The identified problem

What did we want to achieve?
- Enabling employees and leaders to make faster and more accurate decisions
- Increasing the efficiency of time utilization
- Facilitating faster and more effective error correction
- Promoting self-improvement of employees through continuous feedback on their work and attitudes

Methods of operation
We started by building mutual trust, and here are some examples of the actions taken:
- Phased process of changing the motivation system: from “motivate and punish” to “inspire, not motivate” – eliminating financial and material rewards/bonuses.
- Granting everyone the right to make mistakes, with thorough analysis of each case and the implementation of a remedial plan. Changing the role of leaders to become coaches who provide feedback, engage in constructive discussions, rather than controlling and commanding.
- Making employee safety a top priority, ensuring high occupational health and safety standards, investing in clean air, sanitary facilities, canteens, improving the quality and accessibility of meals, and taking care of the protection of the local natural environment.
We implemented the concept of CONSTRUCTIVE CONFLICT as a bridge to increase engagement. Here are the actions we took:
- PICKUP – Team members have the opportunity to openly discuss any concerns they have in team meetings upon request. We shifted from a policy of politics to fostering openness and honesty in discussions.
- VOICE – Holding open meetings of the company’s Board and management for interested employees. This allows individuals to present their own views or constructive criticism.
- EMPOWER – Changing the vacancy filling system by conducting open competitions and inviting interested employees to participate in candidate interviews, giving them the right to express their opinions and provide constructive criticism.
- UNDERSTAND – Providing assistance in better understanding employees’ personalities and circumstances by determining individual and team conflict profiles. This involves using tests/exercises in the Thomas-Kilmann Model and MBT Model.

After 6 months of program implementation, the following results were achieved:
- Achieved a 12% increase in work efficiency and a 15% increase in machine productivity. It’s important to note that during this time, other parallel programs were also being implemented, which had an impact on goal achievement.
- Reduced staff turnover by 50%.